Well, I did it. I finally finished my reread of Harry Potter. It's a bittersweet ending. I read and read and read those books, knowing what happens but still feverishly tearing through the chapters, wanting to devour it all. Then I reach then end but I no longer want it to be over. :(

DEATHLY HALLOWS is still amazing. I still love every chapter. I loved the first DH movie and can't wait to watch the second part if we ever get a chance (it's been so busy around here lately). I'm sad to be leaving the world again but I know one day I'll go back to it because they're the kind of books I could never leave behind.

Do you have any book series that are like that for you?

Friday Loves: Fashion and Full Skirts

I am definitely no fashionista, but I appreciate fashion. I follow it. One of my favorite magazines to read is People StyleWatch because it's user friendly. It's not a highbrow mag for sure, but I love the way it's laid out and a lot of what it features is affordable to the regular gal like me. 

When I say I'm not a fashionista, it's because I'm not a trendsetter. I've always worn what I feel good and comfortable in, and sometimes that's jeans and a tee, and sometimes it's a dress with heels. The reason I read magazines like Stylewatch is that I need the ideas. I need to see how outfits are put together- I usually can't visualize that kind of stuff on my own. Fashion is like cooking for me- I need the recipe to make it turn out right. Sometimes I can wing it, but usually I stick to what's proven.

Lately I've started feeling more comfortable going a little outside the box, or my box maybe. I've gotten a little more daring about trying different things. (I remember the days when skinny jeans were tapered 80s jeans and no one in their right mind would wear them, including me. I've definitely changed my tune on that.)  I like to try different things and I care way less what people think of me, these days. I've read time and time again that great style is having confidence in what you're wearing, and I definitely buy into that.

One of the "looks" I'm really into right now is the 50s full skirt. I think they are so classy and beautiful that I'm wearing one to my husband's Christmas party tonight like I did last year. (This might be a faux pas but I don't care. Besides, it's a completely different outfit.) This is the look I'm going for:

This is sort of the look I'm going for, just darker- less pastel. Pic taken from the Lace and Locks blog.

This is sort of the look I'm going for, just darker- less pastel. Pic taken from the Lace and Locks blog.

Are you into fashion? What looks are you really loving these days?

Wednesday Writes: A Flat Stanley Road Trip

I haven't done one word of writing so far in December. Yikes. I need to get outlining my new WIP, but I haven't done that either. Double yikes.


It's been a busy December so far, though. I've been rereading Harry Potter, organizing a blog tour and other stuff for SWAY's release at the end of the month, and taking part in marketing for the short story anthology THEN COMES WINTER.

Speaking of that, the authors and editor in the anthology are doing a sort of Flat Stanley like thing with the book. It started with the editor in Washington State, went to an author in Vancouver, and then on to me. We each sign the book, take pictures with the book somewhere interesting, put a little gift in the package, and then mail it on. I received it last Friday and took the book downtown Calgary on Saturday for some pictures. It was a chilly day, and my poor 8-year-old who wanted to come with me wasn't wearing a proper coat (she'd decided to dress up like a cowgirl that day so only had on a jean jacket). We both shivered and took some pics as fast as we could so we wouldn't freeze. Another bummer was that even though it was cold, there was barely any snow on the ground, which made Calgary look a bit brown and drab. Boo. It would've been fun if it was snowing to take a picture with the book while doing a snow angel or something. Very THEN COMES WINTER-ish. But no dice. The third bummer was that I wanted to take some pics inside the Stampede grounds, but it cost $15 just to drive in there and park and that wasn't happening. (FYI- the Calgary Stampede is a very famous rodeo that happens every summer.) So instead we took a quick snap outside the grounds in front of a decorative chuckwagon.

I sent the book- with a real Canadian toque and one of my SWAY cards- on to the next author in Ontario. If you want to check out the road trip so far, go to the Meryton Press website, or see my pics below. 

Downtown Calgary skyline, with the Saddledome- where the Calgary Flames play hockey- on the left

Downtown Calgary skyline, with the Saddledome- where the Calgary Flames play hockey- on the left

Me, the book, and a chuckwagon advertising next year's Stampede

Me, the book, and a chuckwagon advertising next year's Stampede

My signature over my story, a SWAY card, and a canadian toque

My signature over my story, a SWAY card, and a canadian toque

Monday Reads: More Harry Potter!

So I took an unplanned hiatus from my blog last week. I didn't really mean to, I just couldn't get my act in gear for some reason. Also, I didn't feel like I had much to say. Ever have one of those weeks? I've had many. Or, at least I might have something to say, but I don't find it all that interesting.

Anyway, in the past couple of weeks I've almost finished the Harry Potter series. I read HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX, and HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE.

There isn't much for me to say about these books. I've already gushed about how awesome they are, which everyone already knows (and if you don't know that, GO READ THEM NOW. Seriously. It still surprises me that there are people in this world who haven't read them). ORDER OF THE PHOENIX is a bit long, and I feel a little less tension filled, but I enjoyed every second of it. And I LOVE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE. I read a review somewhere after I'd finished it this time how someone didn't like all the teenage angst and hormones, but I think it made it real. The book isn't just about Voldemort, or the Horcruxes, or the wizard war. We're still dealing with sixteen-year-olds here, so of course there's going to be relationship drama. I love it. And I especially love the moment in the movie when Harry has taken Felix Felicis. One of my favorite parts, for sure.

I'm currently about halfway through DEATHLY HALLOWS and, again, loving it just as much as I did the first time. We watched Part 1 the movie last night and I love the part where Harry and Hermione dance. It's so lovely (and not in a Rita Skeeter sounding way). Frankly, I'm going to be sad when I'm done this reread because that means another few years until I enter the Harry Potter world again. 

Friday Loves: HARRY POTTER

Well, it's obvious this was coming. I'm rereading the Harry Potter series, rewatching the movies... so OF COURSE I have to use it for a Friday Loves post. And instead of gushing on and on about it, because everyone already knows it's awesome, I'm going to show my love with GIFS!

harry and hermione.gif

Wednesday Writes: The Start of Book 3

Well, I still haven't done any writing. But I don't feel like a slacker, not at all. Last week, I took part in a week-long Facebook event for the launch of THEN COMES WINTER (an Austenesque holiday anthology in which I have a short story). I only hosted for an hour but I tried to take part as much as I could during the week. It was the first time I've done anything like that and I had a lot of fun, so I'm so glad I got to be a part of it all.

I've also decided on ROMANCE BOOK #3. Book #1 is of course, SWAY, which comes out in just over a month! Book #2 is COLLIDE, which is currently with my CPs. I'd like to make it a round three books, but I had no clue what classic I wanted to retell this time. But I found it!

I'm going to keep it on the DL for now because I feel like if I blab, I'll jinx something. But for now, I'm planning on just how to write it, how I'm going to tie-in both SWAY and COLLIDE, the format of the book (because I want to do something a little different than the last two), and then I'm going to get outlining. I'm super excited about this... I think it's gonna be good!


Another great reading week, but I'm reading HARRY POTTER so what do you expect? 


I loved GOBLET OF FIRE, of course. It's where the books start to get a little more grown-up. As always, JK Rowling does a fantabulous twist, and even though I knew what it was, it's still exciting to read to that big reveal!

After I finished GOBLET, my daughter was still on ORDER OF THE PHOENIX and I had a reserve come in at the library, so I took a brief break from HP to read DUMPLIN' by Julie Murphy. 

I loved this book, like so much. The only thing that disappointed me was the end. I wanted more. It ended way too abruptly, IMO. Otherwise, EXCELLENT book, and one I want all my daughters to read when they get older. The things Willowdean thinks about her body are so spot on- there were times when I was like, YES. SHE GETS IT. I think all women, no matter their size, would be able to relate. A definite must read.

Friday Loves: The Hunger Games

Since the last Mockingjay movie is coming out, I kinda wanted to reread the series, but decided to pass, mainly because I'm doing a Harry Potter reread right now and have no time. But I decided to do a rewatch of the movies in prep for when I see Mockingjay Part 2 this weekend.

I gotta say, as far as books-to-movies go, the Hunger Games movies are some of the best. In fact, I almost prefer the movies to the books (don't tell anyone I said that), although there are some really great lines in the books, mostly said by Peeta. 

The actors are all phenomenal, and I can't wait to see the series wrap up on the big screen. 

Are you looking forward to Mockingjay Part 2?

Wednesday Writes: Er, Not Really

I finished up revisions on COLLIDE and sent it off to my wonderful CPs. Now I'm thinking of book 3 and what I will possible write about. Even though SWAY and COLLIDE aren't an actual series, they are both retellings of classics, and a couple of characters from SWAY make a brief appearance in COLLIDE. I want to continue with that theme for book 3 (three books total sounds right), but at this point I have no idea what classic I want to retell.

I did PERSUASION in the first place because I love that book, LOVED the movie version, and felt like it would make a great modern day story. NORTH & SOUTH is also a favorite, and even though it was a lot harder to put that story in a modern setting, I loved writing every minute of it. But what to do next? 

I don't want to pick just any random classic. The story has to be one that I really FEEL, even if I don't love it. And it has to translate to modern times. I thought at first about doing a Dickens, so I watched GREAT EXPECTATIONS and then NICHOLAS NICKLEBY, both faves of mine. The problem with Dickens, or maybe the great thing about Dickens, is that his stories are so much more than love stories, and to cut out those other elements would seem untrue. (I already feel like I did this a bit with COLLIDE/NORTH&SOUTH.) 

So I put it to Facebook, asking for people's fave classic love stories. GONE WITH THE WIND was the top, but to be honest, I don't even want to touch that. Also, that book isn't really a romance to me, probably because of the end, which I've never liked anyway. (Sorry, GWTW fans.)

I don't want to do something obvious and overdone, like PRIDE & PREJUDICE, ROMEO & JULIET, or JANE EYRE. As much as I love Jane Austen, I don't want to do another of hers either. 

So where does that leave me??? Well, I have a few ideas, nothing concrete yet. My writing time right now is being taken up by watching movie adaptations of classic romances to find the one that really sings. Hopefully this won't take longer than this week so I can start writing next week, or at the latest, the beginning of December. 

Any classic romance recommendations for me?


In lieu of a writing post today, I want to briefly express my gratitude for those who have fought for my wonderful country, and those who have fought for freedom all around the world. In my opinion, no one says it better than John McRae:

I know I post this song every year, but I love it so much. I don't just listen to it on Remembrance Day, it's in my regular playlist and it brings tears to my eyes every time.

Please take two minutes at 11am this morning to remember the sacrifices of so many.


This past spring I wrote a short story called BECOMING FANNY and entered it into a Jane Austen-themed holiday romance anthology contest. I ended up being chosen as First Runner-Up, which means BECOMING FANNY will be featured in the anthology coming out before Christmas!

This past Tuesday was the cover reveal for THEN COMES WINTER, the title of the anthology, and I think it's really adorable. The cover kinda fits with my personal story, and I love how there's Jane Austen writing below the picture (taken from EMMA).

The authors and editor of the anthology will be hosting a weeklong Facebook party from November 16th-20th to celebrate the launch, with tons of giveaways and swag, including an advanced e-copy of my book SWAY! Come check us out if you get the chance.

BECOMING FANNY is MANSFIELD PARK meets HOLIDAY INN.Blair McTavish loves quizzes. But when she does“Which Jane Austen Heroine Are You?” and gets Fanny Price, she’s disappointed. Blair wants to be Elizabeth Bennet, not Fanny. After all, Fanny wouldn’t leave her dysfunctional family over Christmas to perform in a musical with complete strangers.

But every time Blair tries to be more like Elizabeth, things go horribly wrong. If Blair doesn’t figure out who she really is, this Christmas will be rotten, just like all the rest. Or maybe, if she can learn to be happy with herself, it may just be the best Christmas ever.

Wednesday Writes: Some Editor Love

Last January, I had a HUGE decision to make: which publishing contract out of three should I accept?

I took this decision very seriously, and it was super hard to make. Like most decisions, I had no idea what the final outcome would be so I had to do a lot of research, and then go with my gut.

One of the things that made this decision slightly easier, was that my editor from Samhain contacted me directly. He was the one to offer. He told me up front what his editing style is like, and we had very brief email chitchats back and forth before I made my decision. From that little intro alone, I knew this was someone I could work with, and that was one of the reasons I went with Samhain Publishing.

Not that I wasn't super super nervous to get that first editing letter. I'd heard of twenty-page long epistles detailing everything wrong about an author's manuscript, and I was dying worrying I'd get one of these. Not that I wasn't ready to roll up my sleeves, but still... nerves. My edits weren't quite so long *phew*, and they were spot on. I think I agreed with almost everything my editor said, and not because I was trying to be easygoing. He was just right. It was so easy to work with him and I count myself lucky that I had such a talented editor look over my work and make it better. The best thing about him though, was that he really brought the funny to this manuscript. Out of six unpublished works, this was by far my most serious, and my most quiet. I did have a few lighter moments, but I'm not gonna lie, it's a kinda angsty book, in an adult way. So I love that my editor helped me create some laugh out loud moments.

To Noah Chinn, I'm grateful to have you as my editor, and I hope I don't drive you too crazy. ;)



Confession: I don't really read romance.

I know, I know, I WRITE romance. And you should ALWAYS DEFINITELY read the genre you write in. Before you accuse me of not practicing what I preach, here's the thing: I don't really read romance, as in category. As in, the really racy rated R kind. I don't write that type of romance either. I'm not knocking it, it's just not my jam. Before SEDUCING CINDERELLA, I think I'd only read one other romance novel- a Victorian one. The reason I picked it up in the first place is because my male MC in COLLIDE is a fighter, and Reid from SC is an MMA fighter.

So did I like SEDUCING CINDERELLA (by Gina L. Maxwell)? Yes. It was a great story with great characters. Reid was hot and sexy and sweet, and Lucie was the typical You-Don't-Know-You're-Beautiful kind of girl, but it didn't feel formulaic. There was plenty or racy to go around, so if you like that, then definitely check out this book.

I love romance in books. It's almost a must for me (I say almost because I've read a few really amazing books that had no romance storyline in them). I love to write romance. But for me the fun is the flirting, the will they/won't they, the push and pull. The almost kisses. It reminds me of this meme I saw on Pinterest a few weeks ago that made me laugh, it was so true for me:

What about you? Chippendales or top hats and cravats? LOL


Instead of yesterday's FRIDAY LOVES post, I'm here today- Saturday October 31st- to wish everyone a happy Halloween! I love Halloween- the costumes and the candy and the fun (not creepy) decorations. So I hope everyone has a fun and safe night!

Wednesday Writes: Stressin'

I'm more than halfway through my revision/second-POV-adding of COLLIDE and most days I'm feeling really good about it. It's not there yet, obvs- once I'm done I'll have to go back to the beginning and read it through to make sure the dual POV works and the chapters are in the right place, then I'll send it to CPs. But I think it's going well.

Until... I'll get these crazy moments of total unworthiness. Like, maybe I'm screwing up this retelling SO BAD that everyone is going to hate it. Someone said recently that they're really excited for this book and I was all

I've searched Goodreads and Google and haven't found any other NORTH & SOUTH retellings. There are some continuation stories, or retelling in that time period, and I believe there might be some on fanfiction sites, but no modern day published books. (If there are, please tell me, I'd love to read one.) So this leaves me feeling the pressure. People love this story, what if I screw it up?! Of course, I know I'm not going to meet everyone's expectations, that'll never happen no matter what. But still, I'm stressin'.

For anyone who thinks writing retellings is easy, hahahahaha. They're SO not. Anyway, there's nothing for it but to press forward with the book and make it the best I can make it and hopefully that ends up being enough. 

Monday Reads: Beautiful Disaster and The Guardian, A Sword, & Stilettos

I read two interesting books this week. The first, BEAUTIFUL DISASTER by Jamie McGuire. This book definitely had it's moments.

beautiful disaster.jpg

I was into the relationship for the first half- the whole, will they/won't they totally drew me in and I loved it. Once the two main characters got together though, I was kinda wondering where it would go, which I shouldn't have. Because hello, the title is a dead giveaway. And their relationship was definitely a disaster, but not necessarily all that beautiful in my view. For me, the book itself was good, but their relationship was so toxic it became hard to read sometimes. I felt the book was very real, and the dialogue was right on. This wasn't a book that wasted time with a lot of prose or description. The characters did a lot of sneering and face-touching which pulled me out of the story every time, but otherwise, it was a super fast read. My own personal feelings toward the book aren't 100% though since I just didn't care for their relationship. Totally a personal opinion and nothing more.

Then I read THE GUARDIAN, A SWORD, & STILETTOS by Kristin D. Van Risseghem. This was a fun book, another fast read, with not a lot of wasting time on unnecessary things. It felt sort of like MORTAL INSTRUMENTS meets HUSH, HUSH to me- a lot of angels and demons and even a werewolf and a faerie or two. This is a series, so it didn't wrap up the main plotline, but it had a satisfying ending nonetheless.

And now I'm fully read-ed out, so I think I'm going to go watch some stuff and start a new book, SEDUCING CINDERELLA, tomorrow.

Friday Loves: Making A Playlist

It's no secret that I love to make playlists for my WIPs. My playlist for COLLIDE (my NORTH & SOUTH retelling) is pretty small so far. It's really hard to find a song about a girl who's just not into a guy. Seriously. Sure there's, "Oops, I Did it Again," and my recent fave, "Ex's & Oh's" by Elle King, but neither really convey they point, in my view. Those are both about playing with a guy/guys and COLLIDE deals more with a girl who's not interested even though the guy likes her. If anyone knows a song by a female that's basically, DUDE, I DON'T LIKE YOU, please let me know.

But here's a few songs I've found that do go well.

"Song of the Caged Bird" by Lindsay Stirling. I actually mention this song in the book as one my MC dances to.

"Hero/Heroine" by Boys Like Girls. This would totally be a song from my male MC's POV.

"Pocket Full of Dreams" by Hedley. Especially when they change the chorus near the end of the song.

"Unbreakable" by Jamie Scott. Oh yes, this song. LOVE.

Wednesday Writes: The Journey

I'm still working on my NORTH & SOUTH retelling, which I've tentatively titled COLLIDE. It's going pretty good, although I'm still struggling with finding the voice of my male MC. Ergh.

I've been thinking lately about my writing journey. So far, it hasn't turned out like I thought it would. That's not a bad thing. One of the reasons I love to read "How I Got My Agent" stories is because they're always different. No one gets an agent the same way and no one's writing journey is the same.

I thought writing the book in the first place was the hard part. Hahahahahaha. I thought that once I did, I'd revise it once, then send it to a handful of literary agents, one of whom (or maybe all) would love it, and then sell it right away in a multi-book deal. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Needless to say, my writing journey has been NOTHING like that. I don't as yet have an agent. But I do have a book coming out soon, plus a short story in a collection, and I'm excited about that. You can't put expectations on your writing. You shouldn't assume things will happen for you the same way they did for that girl in your writer's group or your facebook group or wherever you heard her story. Every journey is different. For me, it's helped me to be patient, and just roll with it. Take what's coming and also lean into what's working. No matter what your journey looks like, have patience, take a breath in the low moments, and enjoy every second of the peaks.