Monday Reads: Two Historicals and a Romance

As April wound down, and I focused on finishing my latest WIP, I did manage to squeeze in a little reading time. Luckily for me, they were all fantastic books!

SARAH'S KEY by Tatiana de Rosnay. This book= WOW. It was just as incredible for me to learn about a not-talked about time in French history as it was for the main character. I had no idea the French police rounded up Jews, leaving them in an arena for a few days and then sending them on to camps. This book gutted me in so many ways and I thought it was really well done. The only thing I wasn't so sure on was the ending. WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. (I feel safe to give spoilers since this book has been out a few years.) I get why the author showed us the start of a possible relationship between the MC and the son of Sarah... it made sense, and yet to me it's like, this is a relationship that will never last because it's two people who are obsessed with each other in a strange way and obsessed with the past. I'm not explaining myself well, but it was strange to me. 

After reading such heavy material, I wanted to go lighter, so I picked up A PRINCESS IN THEORY by Alyssa Cole. This was such a fun, sexy romance. Very funny and excellent characters, this book is exactly what great romances are made of. 

Then I read up another Alyssa Cole book, this time a historical romance called AN EXTRAORDINARY UNION. This was a civil war era novel about spies and rebs and I loved it like crazy. The only thing I had a hard time believing was the MC's insta-attraction to the love interest. She fights it, like a lot (as she should) but I still had trouble believing she'd be even moderately attracted to a white man so quickly. BUT, it's not insta-love, and everything else about it, including her reluctance to get close to him, was super well done. I've put sequels to both Cole books on my TBR. 

What are you reading?