Monday Reads: After the DNF

When I realized I hadn't done a Monday Reads post since the beginning of the month, I groaned. Oh no, I'll have a huge list of books I read and I'll never remember what I thought of them.

And then I checked out my Goodreads list and remembered. Three books. A measly three books in three weeks, which is kinda pathetic for me. BUT, I DNF'd two this month. Yikes. I rarely DNF but I just had to with these two books. One of them was just so ridiculous I couldn't even read on. Like, just no. The other had an excellent voice, but it wasn't what I wanted out of the book so I decided to give it up and move on. 

Luckily, the three books I did read were amazing.

I already raved about TINY PRETTY THINGS by Sona Charaipotra and Dhonielle Clayton. I also read the sequel, SHINY BROKEN PIECES which was just as good. This world of cutthroat ballet totally had me. The characters felt real to me. I even finished the second book and thought, so-and-so made a bad decision in the end, as if that person was a real person. Would I want to be friends with these characters? No. But I loved being part of their world. 

I also read my first book by Sarah Eden, ASHES ON THE MOOR. Sarah was the MC at Storymakers this year and has quite the personality! ASHES ON THE MOOR was not a disappointment. An excellent historical romance and I'll definitely pick up another book by this author. 

So after a disappointing book slump, I'm glad I found some amazing books to pull me through!