My Latest Obsession

A few months back I read this book called I BELIEVE IN A THING CALLED LOVE by Maureen Goo. In it, the MC has everything in order in her life, except her love life. So she makes a plan- based on Korean dramas- to get herself a boyfriend.

This book first piqued my interest in K-drama. I thought, I should try it out sometime. The author even gives a list of her favourites at the end of the book, which I put in my phone.

Cut to a couple of months later, and I still hadn’t tried a K-drama. But someone on Twitter was talking about a certain one that she felt showcased a relationship perfectly. She even left a link of where to watch it (DramaFever). So I finally decided to give it a try.

That drama turned out to be Something in the Rain, and I only watched one episode. While I liked the beginnings of the relationship, I found other parts of the show too slow for my taste. Plus, it was two hours long. With every episode at 2 hours, I didn’t think I wanted to spend my time on that show.

A few days later, someone on Facebook was talking about Korean actors, so I asked her if she watched K-drama. She said yes. I asked her for recommendations, letting her know I’d only tried one but wasn’t that into it. She told me to watch Cheer Up!

Thus was my love of K-drama born. ;)

But seriously, since then I’ve watched:

I’m Not A Robot, about a guy who is allergic to humans and a girl pretending to be a robot. I didn’t think I’d like this show based on the blurb but holy cow! It gave ALL the feels!

My Love From Another Star, about an actress and an alien. Wow. I mean wow. The female MC took a bit to get used to, but I loved this show like crazy. Probably my second fave of all so far.

Dream High. I watched this one, about teens at an arts high school, because it features the same dude (Kim Soo Hyun) from the show above. I liked it, but the ending was disappointing.

What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim?, about a super arrogant boss and his secretary who’s quitting, so he does everything he can to make her stay. I liked this one a lot, I especially liked Secretary Kim’s character, but to be honest, I never really warmed up to the male lead. Didn’t stop me from liking the show all around though.

And then my all-time favourite: Goblin.

This show. Oh my goodness, this show. I don’t think I will ever love any show as much as I loved this show. I am crazy about this show. It had everything: a great plot, flawless acting, perfect music, beautiful cinematography, tons of romance, a little action, it was super funny, and major major feels. I keep wanting to rewatch it but I’ve been telling myself to wait for vacation, or Christmas, otherwise I think I’ll just watch this over and over and never anything else again. If I were to ever recommend one drama to someone, it would be this one.

So now I’m crazy obsessed with K-dramas. I’ve tried watching other stuff but I get one or two episodes in and I’m like, nope. I want to watch another drama! Right now I’m watching Strong Woman Do Bong Soon and loving it! K-Drama for ever! :D