A-Z Challenge: E is for EPONINE

It seems obvious to pick EPONINE as my E post because it's also the name of my current manuscript.

Eponine has been my favourite Les Mis character ever since I learned to play On My Own on the piano as a teenager. There's something about pining after someone who doesn't really see you that most teenage girls can relate to. There's also something so heartbreaking in her story that I've never been able to shake and so I wanted to write my own version, told from her point of view. I decided to make it contemporary and then I went the Urban Fantasy route because, well, I've always been kind of a geek girl and into magic. This MS has been both difficult and fun. Most of the characters are different than ones I've written before. I've done Internet searches on some crazy things like the smell of crack and abandoned warehouses and RCMP uniforms and M16 machine guns. (I'm surprised the cops haven't dropped by to see what I've been up to.) I think I've found a good balance between making the story my own and yet keeping in references and characters from Les Mis. But I'm still working on making the story work. Once I'm done this read through, it will go off to a second round of CPs/beta readers. Hopefully, I've improved it some from my last draft! Fingers crossed!

I really wanted to choose an E song from my Eponine playlist but none of the songs or the artists start with E. BOO. So I'm kind of going to cheat a bit and pick two songs that have an E word somewhere in the title.
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light 'Em Up) by Fall Out Boy
I Don't Wanna Love Somebody Else by A Great Big World