I've been in an off mood this week, who knows why. Today, after finishing my house cleaning, I really didn't want to exercise, but it was a nice day outside so I decided to put my earbuds in and take a walk. About halfway through, I realized. This was a perfect moment. The sky was blue and the sun was shining, the weather was actually pretty nice for October in Alberta, crisp leaves were laying all around my feet, and I had a great song blasting in my ears (just the way I like my music).
It was a perfect moment, and I noticed, and I took a breath. Then, as I kept walking, I started to list the things I was thankful for. Well-timed since Canadian Thanksgiving is this Monday. But not just because of that- this is something I've been trying to do when things get me down. And it worked. Listing all of the great things about my life didn't make me forget about the negatives, but it made them seem a bit less negative (and some even a little silly).
So as I go into the Thanksgiving weekend, I want to get it in writing all the things I'm thankful for/loving right now. It'll be nice to have for those days when I forget.
My incredibly wonderful, good, smart, talented, funny, and sweet kids.
My smart and patient husband.
My dream coming true- AKA: my first book coming out in just a couple of months, and a short story, too.
Nice weather in October.
Getting to take a walk.
Getting to stay home and write.
My NA retelling that I reread these past few days and the fact that it's pretty good and not total suckage.
My family, who I won't get to see this Thanksgiving.
All the things I have that I don't have to want and that make life easier (like my dishwasher)
Good books to read.
Good music to blast.
I could go on but another thing I'm thankful for is sleep, and right now I need to get some. So Happy Thanksgiving from me to you. And notice those perfect moments when they come along, and stop. And take a breath. And enjoy them.