Like I said on Monday, I've finally gotten back in the swing of my normal routine, and it feels GREAT. Yesterday, I was so productive I almost passed out. ;)
One of the things I'm back on track with is my writing. I didn't ignore it all summer (as evidenced by my RSW posts), but it's nice to be back to my regularly scheduled "writing time" every day. This week I've been working on JAR OF HEARTS, my YA mystery. I tweaked the query, wrote up some Twitter pitches for #Pitmad on Thursday, and did some revisions. I received edits from a beta reader a bit ago and I'm making my way through those. Hopefully I'll be done in a week or two, MAX. Crossing my fingers that I get some faves at Pitmad too since this will be JofH's first time out in the world. Eeek!