Monday Reads... a day late

I could've sworn I did a post about recent events or a Monday Reads post, but... nothing. So either I'm going crazy or I dreamt it or I don't know. Life has been crazy and sometimes sucky but also okay and I feel like a mix between I got this and a total failure. So here I am on a Tuesday, weeks since I've posted with a list a mile long of books I've read. Which makes me realize two things: one, I've gotta keep this post short and how the heck am I going to remember my thoughts on some of these books? And two, at least I've been reading through life's craziness.

So here's what I've been reading:

Seeking Mansfield by Kate Watson, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, and The Girl in the Gatehouse by Julie Klassen were all five-star reads for me. The rest were 4-star, so still solid. I can't remember why I gave Jesse's Girl and A Little in Love 4 stars instead of five because I remember enjoying them both (but there must have been something). Eliza and Her Monsters got 4 because there were certain minor things that bugged me about the MC. This Is Where It Ends got four because I felt the antagonist could have been developed more fully, otherwise it was a gut-wrenching read. The Perfect Bride for Mr. Darcy was 4-star because it started slowly for me, but about 100 pages in the story really took off. 

Eight very different books but all solid, entertaining, and well-written reads. I'd recommend them to anyone.