I'm a super impatient person when it comes to book series. The main reason is I'll love a book, but when I have to wait a year for the sequel, by the time I read it I've forgotten everything from book one. So it was awesome to be able to read the LEGEND trilogy by Marie Lu back to back. These past couple of weeks I read PRODIGY and CHAMPION. The whole trilogy was excellent. I usually prefer first books but in this case they were all good. Both books stood on their own two feet, had different plot elements rather than feeling like repeats of LEGEND, developed the characters even more, and she wrapped up the whole thing like a pro. If you enjoy dystopian YA, definitely check out this trilogy.
There's been so much hype around THE HATE U GIVE by Angie Thomas, I was almost afraid I wouldn't love it. Nope! My review on Goodreads was, I laughed, I cried, I learned, and that pretty much sums up the book for me. I loved the family dynamics of this book like crazy, I hated the struggles the MC went through, and best of all was the voice. Such a strong voice in this book I found myself thinking in it a few times and had to stop myself saying certain things aloud that I should never say, lol. A must read for everyone and I wouldn't be surprised if they make it required reading in schools one day.
THE LAST SINGLE GIRL by Caitie Quinn. This book was a novella so I breezed through it. It was tons of fun and really cute. You could see the ending a mile away, but that didn't take away my enjoyment. Great novella!
I think I've mentioned before how Kasie West is becoming one of my fave contemp YA authors. So I picked up THE DISTANCE BETWEEN US and it didn't disappoint. I will say it's my least fave of her books so far- I finished reading with a few questions still, and felt the ending was just a bit too easy. Otherwise though, the book was great. As always her dialogue is awesome, I loved the sarcasm of the MC, and again as always the love interest was swoony. Fun read.